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Depending on your living situation in Germany, you may be required to set up and pay for your own electricity after you’ve registered with your new address. If you’re planning on renting an unfurnished apartment, you’ll likely be required to do this on your own. Oftentimes, in a WG (shared apartment) or fully furnished flat, expenses like electricity will be included in the full package, leaving you more time to get out and explore the city.

However, if you’re renting your own apartment or the landlord hasn’t specified that electricity is included, chances are you’re going to need to buy your own electricity package.

But have no fear! Finding an electricity provider and setting it up is quite simple to do. Not to mention, we’re providing you with a step-by-step guide on how to do so in this post.

Don’t speak German? Lucky for you one of the newest and most affordable providers on the market, Ostrom, offers all their services in English, can be managed via app, and offers green energy!


One important thing to note before getting started

If you’re just moving in and worried about the power being cut off because you haven’t registeredr for a particular electricity package, do not worry. In Germany, they do not immediately cut your power, they (the old electricity provider) after a couple of weeks will simply switch you to the most expensive “Grundversorgung” tarif and send you a bill in the mail for the usage of electricity dating back to when the last tenants moved out. However, if you don’t pay those bills, there is a chance they will cut your power off, so make sure you check your mailbox! If there was a significant time in between tenants, you might want to write down the number on the electricty meter before you move in so that the landlord covers any costs between the last tenants move-out date and your move-in date.


Step 1: Find an electricity contract that you like

Similarly to finding the perfect internet provider in Düsseldorf, finding an electricity contract that you like all comes down to comparing prices. Be sure to compare the electricity contract prices so you can guarantee the best price for what you need. On comparison websites like Preisvergleich, you will be able to make your search based on where you live, how much energy you typically use (this is just an estimate) and how many people are living in your household.

If you’d like to get a basic overview of some of the local favorites, here’s a list of some of the most popular electricity providers around Düsseldorf:


Again, it is definitely worth your time to compare these services to make sure that you’re getting the best price for the best package.

However, be aware that many of these great prices are for new customers only and only last for a couple of years. After the special is over your monthly fees will be set to the standard price. While the standard prices may not be all that bad either, it’s worth looking into what the standard price actually is before you book your package. You are also able to switch providers if you’re not happy or if you’re looking for a cheaper package.


Step 2: Purchase the package

Once you’ve purchased the electricity package, you will be required to enter all of your information. This may include your payment details, the address of electricity registration, the previous electricity provider registered to your current address, and the current number on your electricity meter. If you do not know the number on your electricity meter, make sure to ask your landlord where the meter (Stromzähler) is in the apartment and then write the number down (or better yet, take a photo).

The electricity meter is often located in the front hall or basement of the house. 


Step 3: Wait for a confirmation

The electricity provider will be able to contact you in a couple of days to let you know that your payment has indeed gone through. Once you’ve received confirmation, the electricity provider will likely let you know if they’re making the electricity switch for you from the old provider – more often than not, this is the case. A simple and easy switch!


Step 4: You’re done!

You should have electricity now and it should be immediately transferred to the new service provider. In Germany, the service providers are often extremely quick to make the switch, leaving you less time to worry and more time to furnish that apartment and start plugging in your favorite electronics!

While it might be intimidating to do this all on your own, you’d be surprised how many people in Germany actually speak English. So, if you aren’t well equipped in the German language yet, don’t be afraid to ask if it’s okay to speak in English. 

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